Mount Washington Alpine Resort
15 380
Nelson - Whitewater Ski Resort
6 987
New Denver - Valhalla Mountain Touring
10 171
Red Mountain Resort
12 135
Revelstoke Mountain Resort
13 552
Saint-Donat-de-Montcalm - Ski La Réserve
Saint-Mathieu-de-Rioux - Parc du Mont-Saint-Mathieu
14 188
Squamish - Mount Garibaldi, Highway 99
11 275
Squamish - The Sea To Sky Gondola - Howe Sound
14 566
Sun Peaks Resort
2 911
Sussex - Poley Mountain Resorts
11 946
Vankuveris - Kiparisų kalnas
20 057
Vernon - Predator Ridge
21 735
Vistleris - Ski Resort
15 605
Westcastle Valley - Castle Mountain Resort
2 462
Whitehorse - Mount Sima
Aspenas - Aspen Snowmass Colorado Ski
23 648
Boulder - Flatirons
12 106
Breckenridge - Peak 8 - Grand Colorado
12 766
Buena Vista - Kolekcija
6 802
Copper Mountain
14 215
Crested Butte - Crested Butte Mountain Resort
9 504
Crested Butte - Crested Butte Mountain Resort
Crested Butte - Gunnison Valley
2 825
Crestone - Mount Adams, Crestone Peak
4 381